
  • Expanded the query options associated with numerous FTMaintenance reports.
  • Added the ability to add or subtract quantities from inventory in the Transaction Module.
  • Improved Group Rights so that Service Request Direct Rights and Service Request Admin Rights are mutually exclusive options.
  • Added the ability to generate automatic email notification of new service requests generated through the Service Request Module.
  • Added the ability for new service requests to be automatically printed on a defined printer.
  • Added support for Microsoft Windows 8 (PC and tablet), Microsoft Internet Explorer 10, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, and Microsoft Windows Server 2012.
  • Enhancements were made to the following reports:
    • DM Equipment History Report
    • Work Order Cost History Report
    • DM Active Work Order Report
  • Added Vendor Part Number to the quicklist in the Inventory Module.
  • Added the ability to synchronize the Service Request Contact List with Active Directory users.
  • Added the ability for zero minute Start/Stop intervals in the automatic labor tracking feature.
  • Added additional keyboard shortcut keys.


  • The Send To field on the Pending Requests tab is now displayed when a service request is submitted to a user with a long name.
  • Improved how work order numbers are generated.
  • Pulled parts are now returned to inventory when an associated work order is deleted.
  • Removed a script error that could be displayed with service requests that had multi-line descriptions