
  • Corrected problem where doing File Compare Online and comparing SF’s, some of the SF Headers were mismatching when they should not have.
  • Corrected problem where the Doc window “Delete” dialog did not delete the special Loop and Alarm addresses, which can be entered as REAL and INTEGER forms, such as (LKC, LKD, APVH, LPVH, etc.).
  • Corrected problem where clicking the “Next Addr” or “Prev Addr” in the edit documentation dialog, while using a special Loop or Alarm address, which can be entered as REAL and INTEGER forms, such as (LKC, LKD, APVH, LPVH, etc.), locked up the program.
  • Corrected problem where the key check checks until it finds one key with product support. It needed to go to other ports to check them all.
  • Corrected problem where the description field in the Cross Reference window was partially displaying the second line of the description.
  • Corrected problem where, when using a VMM address in an SF Math, and the address was VMMAD7B4C, the validate gave an error message. The B was being looked at as a Binary constant reference.
  • Corrected problem where the special Loop and Alarm addresses, which can be entered as REAL and INTEGER forms, such as (LKC, LKD, APVH, LPVH, etc.), could not be Imported from a delimited text file.
  • Corrected problem where a Bit-Of-Word address, such as V1.1 could not have it’s documentation edited.
  • Corrected problem where opening a file or importing a TISOFT file which had more than 32 rows of ladder in the same network, in the Windows format, would cause a GPF.
  • Corrected problem in Windows 98 with program online and in Run with status on, if a window was moved around, the window did not refresh the display properly.
  • Corrected problem where Paste with Rewire was ALWAYS rewiring with Doc included, even if it was not checked to do so.
  • Corrected problem where an error occurred doing a find after attempting to validate networks with 1 network validating and at least one does not.