Month: December 2008

PLC WorkShop Suite for Siemens 505 v4.31 Release Notes


  • The Profibus Configurator has been updated to support all available controller types.
  • The Profibus Configurator now supports GSD files that define more than one parameter length for a specific module

FTVersionTrak v1.1.1 Release Notes


  • Supports the new PLC WorkShop for Siemens 505 program file format.


  • The correct number of files checked in is now properly reported.
  • Licensed copies of FTVersionTrak no longer display a “hardware key not found” error.
  • Folders are no longer incorrectly recognized as multiple file unit projects.

505 Simulator v2.05 Release Notes


  • The CDB instruction now correctly checks the value of the address.
  • The PID Loop Ramp/Soak Profile now properly restarts operation when the Loop Ramp/Soak number is manually reset to 0.
  • The CTR instruction’s output no longer turns off when the count no longer matches the preset.
  • MOD instructions are now properly evaluated within IF statements in a Special Function program.
  • NOT instructions now operate correctly in parallel branches when passing power flow.
  • B-memory parameters are now properly allowed in CMP instructions.
  • Nested MCR instructions now operate correctly.
  • Attempting to set an LTI variable to zero in the Data Window now properly displays an error.
  • B-memory is now properly supported in the MIRW instruction.
  • Special Function clamping for PID Loops and Analog Alarms is now consistent between 505 and CTI 2500 PLC types.
  • Attempting to execute a network containing more than 16 parallel branches no longer results in an error.
  • Analog Alarms are now set and reset correctly when the alarm deadband overlaps low/high alarm points.
  • One-shot contacts no longer automatically execute after an online edit is made.
  • Multiple instructions that use B and W addresses now execute properly.
  • Special Function programs are no longer triggered when the input conditions are false.
  • Cyclic Special Function programs now properly stop executing after changing to inline while online with the controller.
  • Cyclic Special Function programs now properly stop executing when ‘Continue on Error’=NO.
  • Address breakpoints are now properly being triggered by coil instructions.
  • The PACK statement now executes properly when moving Loop and Alarm CF variables to and from Bit memory.

PLC WorkShop Suite for Siemens 505 v4.30 Release Notes


  • Supports complete configuration of Profibus-DP networks and devices.
  • The program file format has been updated to store Profibus configuration data.
  • Long address types (V, K, and T) are now supported for the CFUNC instruction.
  • The PRINT Special Function instruction is now fully supported for the CTI 2500 Series controllers.
  • The CFUNC (Custom Function) instruction is now supported for the CTI 2500 Series controllers.
  • The CTI 2500 Programming Reference Manual is now distributed with the software.


  • Program files are no longer able to be saved upon exit when FasTrak Security is configured to not allow saving of program changes.
  • The tool tip for the CTR instruction is now properly displayed.
  • K address values are now properly allowed in Special Function instructions that use input tables.
  • Searching for B and W addresses and the NOT instruction now properly displays results while online with the controller.
  • Online help now properly displays the topic source after a keyword search.
  • Online status now updates correctly after adding a long parameter to a CTI 2500 custom function.
  • The mouse may now be used to edit the Preset field of an Up/Down Counter instruction.
  • The mouse may now be used to edit the N: variable in a Move Word to Table instruction.
  • Spaces are now properly removed when pasting data to a Tag field from an outside source.
  • Adding a CFUNC parameter to a PGTS or PGTZ instruction no longer causes WorkShop to close unexpectedly.