Month: February 2021

FTMaintenance Select v1.1.4.0 Release Notes


  • Service Request Management
    • Request maintenance assistance on behalf of another requester.


  • The system now notified users when character limits are exceeded or illegal characters are entered into the Number field when adding a new cost center to a service request.
  • Asset names can now contain or start with numbers.
  • Locations can now be deleted without causing system errors.
  • The Runtime Schedule option is now only enabled when an asset is assigned to the work order.
  • The visibility of an inventory item’s Carrying Cost field can now correctly be configured.
  • New service requests are now automatically approved when the service request configuration setting is set to Direct Mode.
  • Approved service requests now automatically become work orders when the service request configuration setting is set to Direct Mode.
  • Asset names now display correctly in the All Work Orders grid.
  • The Transaction Description now properly displays in transaction history.
  • Edit and delete icons are only displayed for valid items on the locations list.