- Activity Log records can be filtered by their original dates, even after their original Repository is migrated later into another Repository
- Comparing identical PLC WorkShop for Siemens 505 and Modicon files reports a single no difference found message
- Permissions to update Version Comments is divided into only files checked in by the user, or any file in the Repository
- Activity Log
- Granting and revoking Repository security privileges are recorded correctly in the Activity Log
- Compare Files
- Comparing two version of files that are identical reports that no differences were found
- Email Notification
- The @ character is supported in the Email Server Authentication name
- Integration with FTSolution
- Properties of files checked in by other users are available to view
- Repository Search
- Wildcard file name character * is supported in the Search In feature
- Wildcard file searches include only files in the selected folder
- Repository Security
- New message appears when default group permissions cannot be changed
- Access to email settings is prohibited to users without this permission
- Users are granted all permissions of the Groups to which they belong
- Users can edit Version Comments when granted permission
- The Sign dialog box remains visible after signature entry errors are reported
- Scheduled Tasks
- Scheduled Tasks are supported in Windows 10
- Reports generated through Scheduled Tasks report when no differences are found in identical files
- Scheduled Tasks are available in the Properties dialog boxes
- Scheduled Tasks with the 505 Simulator send emails only when this feature is set up
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