- 505 I/O
- Field Interface Module (FIM) cards are supported
- Application Interface
- Long error window messages are scrollable
- CFC Editor
- CFB Math blocks enable and disable user interface is corrected
- Only one CFB can be activated at a time
- Only eligible CFBs can be activated when online in Debug mode
- CFBs cannot overlap in the CFC Editor
- CFB code-behind cannot be edited when online in Debug mode
- The Tags for .INPUT and .OUTPUT extensions of Output Limiter and Rate Limiter CFBs can be Marked
- Only CFC cells containing CFBs can be annotated
- Delete button is added to CFC editors
- The Mark PCS Tags option is available for items in CFC, Devices, Declarations, Recipes and I/O Symbols editors
- Error message text when CFB names include invalid characters is improved
- The Delete icon is updated
- Error message text when CFBs cannot be enabled or disabled is improved
- PCS Tags button is visible in empty CFC editors
- Annotate Block option is available when empty CFC editor cells are selected
- Debug
- Update rates when monitoring I/O and Declarations in Debug mode are improved
- Add New, Add Existing, Compile and Download options are available in Debug mode only
- Device Editor
- The Description column width is consistent in all editors
- Compile
- Unnamed Subroutine parameters cause compiler warnings instead of errors
- The compiler supports the Correlated Lookup Table .ENABLE extension
- Import
- Import of APT programs supports multi-line comments in Profibus.CFG files
- Import of APT supports blank PID Loop settings
- Licensing
- Site and keyed licensing support is revised
- Edited CFB extensions appear in the Mark PCS Tags dialog when marked
- Recipe Template Editor
- Warning messages when deleting Recipe Templates is improved
- Recipe Editor
- Mark PCS Tags is available in new Recipe rows
- SFC Editor
- SFT code-behind text can be edited when not online in debug mode
- “Active” item is added to the SFC floating context menu
- Graphics are added to the SFC floating context menu
- CFC editor button to access code-behind text is relabeled “Edit Code”
- Solutions Management
- Deleting Subroutines is supported
- Only one SFC can be promoted
- The Project menu is available when multiple nodes of the same Project are selected
- Projects can load if Units, folders or files are missing
- More editing items are added to the Project and floating context menus
- Warning message appears only once when deleting multiple Solution Explorer nodes
- Warning message appears new invalid characters are used in new CFC, SFC, Recipe Template, Subroutine and Unit names
- Units excluded from a Project can be added again
- Subroutine Editor
- Complete error messages are displayed
- Watch
- Watch Window values are refreshed when they are toggled
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