Month: December 2021

FTMaintenance Select v2.0.4.0 Release Notes

FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release FTMaintenance Select v2.0.4.0, which incorporates the following:


  • Work Order Scheduling
    • Schedule work orders using a floating schedule, based on the last completion date or last completion meter reading of the previous work order.


  • General
    • Improved the usability of the sidebar menu.
  • Inventory Management
    • The system now displays the Quantity on Hand by Location when viewing a list of all Inventory Items.
    • Inventory Groups are now displayed in a nested list when associating an Inventory Item with an Inventory Group.
    • Improved the layout and performance of the Create Transaction.
  • Reporting
    • Corrected an issue that incorrectly displayed Work Order Completion Dates in the Cost History.
  • Work Order Management
    • Corrected an issue that prevented Parts from being allocated to a Work Order in quantities of 1.
    • Corrected an issue that displayed incorrect column names on the Parts and Tools tab based on Inventory configuration settings.
    • Corrected an issue that caused the quantities of restocked Tools to display incorrectly.
  • Work Order Scheduling
    • Improved the flow of updating a Work Order that is not part of a series.

FTMaintenance Select v2.0.3.4 Release Notes

FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release FTMaintenance Select v2.0.3.4, which incorporates the following:


  • Asset Management
    • Corrected an issue that caused errors when updating a Part or Tool
    • Values for custom Asset fields can now contain certain special characters.
  • Inventory Management
    • The system requires that users confirm the deletion of an Inventory.
    • A Transaction is now created when an Asset is tracked.
    • Improved usability and flow of working with Transaction
    • The Unit Cost of an Inventory Item and its associated Asset now match when either record is updated.
    • A Transaction is now created when a new Inventory Item is added to an Inventory.
    • Corrected an issue that prevented Inventory Items from being associated with a Stockroom that contained stocking locations (i.e., Aisles, Racks, Shelves, and Bins).
    • An Inventory Groups’ Parent Inventory Group can now be cleared.
    • Corrected an issue that allowed Transactions to be created without meeting all requirements.
    • Corrected an issue that prevented users from viewing the details of an Adjustment Transaction.
    • Inventory Item records now display the item’s nested Inventory Group.
    • Corrected an issue that caused an Inventory Item’s Quantity on Hand to clear when the User tracks an Asset in Inventory.
    • Corrected an issue that caused quantity data to clear when creating or updating an Inventory Item
    • Improved the usability of the Inventory Item Unit of Measure
    • Corrected an issue that prevented an Inventory Item’s Unit Cost from displaying on the Work Order.
    • Corrected an issue that prevented an Inventory Item’s Group Path from displaying correctly.
    • Corrected an issue that prevented the user from deleting an Inventory Item if it was part of an Inventory Group.
  • Invoicing
    • One-time Parts can now be included on Invoices.
    • One-time Tools can now be included on Invoices.
    • One-time Tasks can now be included on Invoices.
    • Corrected an issue that caused previously entered data to pre-populate when creating new Invoice Line Items.
    • Corrected an issue that caused the Record a Payment menu link from being unresponsive.
    • Invoices now only accept a single Payment Term.
    • Corrected an issue that prevented Invoices from applying a Discount to the
    • Corrected an issue that prevented Invoices from being issued.
    • Corrected an issue that prevented Taxes from being applied to an Invoice.
  • Notifications
    • Phone numbers now display correctly when configuring Text (SMS)
    • Corrected an issue that allowed users to create a Non-FTMaintenance User Recipient without entering all required information.
  • Purchasing
    • Corrected an issue that caused Vendor data to be cleared when updating a Purchase Order.
  • Reporting
    • Corrected an issue that caused inaccurate data to display on the Service Request Form
    • Corrected an issue that prevented the Work Order Labor Hours by Labor Resource Report from displaying correctly.
    • The Work Order Form Report now displays times using a 12-hour AM/PM time format.
    • Emailed reports can now be opened without error.
  • Service Request Management
    • Corrected an issue that caused data to be lost after submitting a Service Request generated using the quick creation method.
    • Corrected an error that prevented the Status Reason from displaying on Service Requests.
    • Corrected an issue that caused Asset numbers to display incorrectly.
    • Corrected an issue that prevented Guest requesters from submitting Service Requests.
    • Corrected an issue that prevented Guest requesters from printing a Service Request.
    • Corrected an issue that caused Location data to be cleared when creating a Service Request.
    • Corrected an issue that caused some data to be cleared after creating a new Customer record from a Service Request.
  • User Management
    • User Names can no longer be edited.
    • Corrected an issue that caused errors when updating the details of a User
    • Phone numbers now display correctly on User
    • New Users can now be designated as Employees.
  • Work Order Management
    • Corrected an issue that caused errors when attempting to create or edit Tool records from a Work Order.
    • Corrected an issue that prevented users from adding a Part or Tool to a Work Order.
    • Corrected an issue that caused errors when adding a Unit Price to a Part or Tool record when created from a Work Order.
    • Phone numbers now display correctly on closed Work Order
    • Corrected an issue that caused errors when changing a Work Order’s Status from Active to Completed.
    • Corrected an issue that caused errors when editing a Tracked Part or Tracked Tool record from a new Work Order.
    • Corrected an issue that caused errors when adding a new Part to a Work Order when the Part itself was created from the Work Order during record creation.
    • Corrected an issue that caused errors when adding a new Part to a Work Order when the Part itself was created from the Work Order during record update.
    • Corrected an issue that caused errors when adding a new Tool to a Work Order when the Tool itself was created from the Work Order during record creation.
    • Corrected an issue that caused errors when adding a new Tool to a Work Order when the Tool itself was created from the Work Order during record update.
    • Corrected an issue that caused errors when reactivating a Work Order.
    • Corrected an issue that caused errors when viewing the details of a Work Order with a Status of Draft.
  • Work Order Scheduling
    • Improved the usability of the Global Schedule when attempting to view all appointments scheduled on the same day.
    • Corrected an issue that prevented a single occurrence of a Work Order within a series from being updated.
    • Corrected an issue that caused multiple instances of a Work Order’s runtime schedule to appear on the Work Order (on the Runtime tab of the Schedule tab).
    • Corrected an issue that prevented users from editing runtime assignments.
    • Work Orders generated from runtime schedules now activate automatically.