Month: September 2016

FTSolution for APT v1.2.1 Release Notes

FTSolution for APT v1.2.1 is an internal release.


  • Improved the performance of incremental downloads.
  • The Download I/O Configuration option is now selected by default when performing a non-incremental download.

FTSolution for APT v1.2.0 Release Notes


  • Added the ability to automatically build Watch Windows (debug charts) from table editors.
  • Added the ability to view and modify forces in Watch Windows (debug charts).


  • Improved the handling of non-existing variables within the Watch file trend tab.
  • Improved the functionality of delete confirmation prompts.
  • Improved the error messaging provided for certain compilation issues.
  • Eliminated errors that occurred when performing an incremental compile.
  • Eliminated errors that occurred when performing a full compile.
  • Eliminated errors that occurred when importing an APT program.
  • Improved the program/project import process.
  • Improved the functionality of the incremental compile feature.
  • Improved the functionality of the incremental download feature.
  • Improved the interface of the Profibus I/O editor.
  • Improved the functionality of the SFC editor.
  • Improved the functionality of the Generate Watch File feature.
  • Improved the functionality of watches.